Category Discounts 1.0.4 Release Notes
Category Discounts 1.0.4 Release Notes
Category Discounts 1.0.4 contains enhancements. It is recommended that you upgrade to 1.0.4 as soon as possible.
- The module has had the hooks it uses revised. This has been done to make the module more upgrade friendly. Where possible the need for code changes has been removed. there are no requirements for changes to core CubeCart files with this module when using CubeCart 6.1.9 or above
- The install guide has been updated to reflect the changes to hooks
Upgrade Instructions
- Delete the category_discounts directory from your stores modules/plugins/ directory and replace it with the 1.0.4 files found in the downloadable zip file.
- Navigate to "Manage Hooks" -> "Category Discounts" and then press save. This will refresh the hooks and ensure the changes are picked up correctly