Ebay sales plugin is a plugin for Cubecart version 5 which allows you to easily send your CubeCart inventory directly to eBay whilst respecting your stock levels. Using ebay sales plugin with ebay orders plugin will give you a fully integrated cubecart/ebay solution.
The purchase of this plugin allows you to use ebay sales plugin with the ebay live sites as well as the test sites. It also includes 6 months of Maintenance & Support, full details about our Maintenance & Support can be found in our Maintenance & Support pages.
A demo version of the plugin can be downloaded from the Downloads page. The demo will only work with Ebay sandbox (test) environment. You can upgrade the demo to a fully working version with the purchase of this product.
Ebay Sales plugin for CubeCart is packed with features:
- Works with both Ebay sandbox, and Ebay live sites with a valid license key
- Easy linking of ebay account to the plugin
- Plugin news and update release notifications are displayed on the plugin general tab
- Configurable shortcuts to Ebay Sales plugin in the admin menu
- Ebay Sales makes no changes to any existing shop configuration or shop data.
- Very easy to install, simply unzip to the plugins directory
- Ebay country selection (works with all Ebay countries)
- Enable / Disable single products for inclusion in the Ebay listing process
- Easy Ebay item category selection, needs only to be done once per item during initial setup
- Configure an ebay specific price instead of your CubeCart shop price if required
- Configure Handling time per item
- Multiple shipping methods supported per item (max of 10)
- Configure shipping cost for 1st item, and each additional item if listing multiple items.
- Add an ebay specific title for the item, which can be different to your shop product title
- Select the item condition (will try and match to your store config if possible). Conditions are dynamic, they vary depending on the category your item is going to use
- Listing formats of "Auction" and "Buy it Now" are supported
- Listing duration can be set per item, this can vary depending on your Ebay account and the category the item is going to use
- Ebay Item specifics can be used, and where possible you are offered a choice of Ebay suggested values.
- Required item specifics are highlighted in red and must be completed.
- A global return policy can be configured to apply to all products
- You can override the global return policy with a custom return policy at product level
- Returns can be enabled or disabled for each product
- Min & Max stock level to list on ebay defined at product level. This checks against your actual inventory levels, if you can't meet the minimum the item will not be available for listing
- Supported payment methods: Paypal
- Global paypal email address can be defined
- paypal email address can be overridden at product level
- HTML Templates are fully supported
- You can have as many HTML templates as you need
- HTML templates can be enabled/disabled at product level
- If you are not using a HTML template, the HTML code in your product description is your ebay product description
- All images for your product are used in the ebay listing, they link to your store image so you do not get charged by ebay for hosting
- HTML templates use "tags" which will be replaced with item specific information such as description/title/return policy
- Custom tags can be added, this is aimed at people who have added new columns to their inventory database table. You can include these fields in your listings using the template.
- You can only "push to Ebay" products that are above your minimum listing quantity to avoid low stock scenarios.
- Product options are fully supported
- Product options can be enabled/disabled at product level
- Before listing inventory you can filter out any items currently active on ebay
- Listings go through a verification process before actually getting listed.
- Listing fees are displayed per item before listing
- Total listing fee for all items is displayed before listing
- Listing history can be viewed
- Listing history can be filtered by date range
- Listing hstory can be filtered by product
- HTML templates can be added/updated/deleted
- Matrix stock levels for product options respected
- Once products are configured, it takes seconds to list them on ebay
- Automatically end your ebay listings if your store inventory goes out of stock
- Enhanced error logging from the "error log" tab
System Requirements
- CubeCart version 5x
- IonCube loaders on your web-server