Ebay Sales 1.1.11 Release Notes
Ebay Sales 1.1.11 Release Notes
Ebay sales 1.1.11 contains enhancements and bug fixes. It is recommended that you upgrade to 1.1.11 as soon as possible.
Issues resolved in 1.1.11
- When installing the plugin for the first time the Demo license would not work correctly.
- When the plugin is first installed not all tables are specifying the collation. They are now set to the CubeCart default rather than the server default
- On some occasions an SQL error would be logged when changing an order status to completed. This would break the stock level sync process with Ebay. Now resolved.
New Features added in 1.1.11
- If an Ebay category does not support variation listings a message is displayed to tell you why you can't enable the option.
- Ebay sandbox system no longer works correctly with category searches. A warning message displays if this will impact you and tells you how to work around the issue.
- Renamed the "Cost Values" heading to "Prices".
- Renamed "Ebay Price" to "Ebay Fixed Price"
- Added a new pricing system. You can now list using your CubeCart store price + x%. There is a new global setting for the intial configuration. This is supported for normal and variation listings with price differences.
- Help buttons have been added to almost all configuration items. When you hover the mouse over the question mark help information about that item is displayed.
Upgrade Instructions
- Delete the ebay_sales directory from your stores modules/plugins/ directory and replace it with the 1.1.11 files found in the downloadable zip file.
Download 1.1.11
Download 1.1.11_plugin_ebay_sales.zip