Ebay Sales 2.0.13 Release Notes

Ebay Sales 2.0.13 Release Notes

Ebay sales 2.0.13 contains fixes and enhancements. It is recommended that you upgrade to 2.0.13 as soon as possible.


Issues resolved in 2.0.13

  1. When creating listings with variations under some specific scenarios the option SKU may not have been created, this leads to items not being able to be mapped and orders not being imported. This happened if your product options were included in the option matrix and did not use stock levels. This is patched in this release.
  2. Product codes that contained special characters would break the listing process. Special characters are now supported.


Enhancements in 2.0.13

  1. the stock level column has been added to the inventory settings tab. This shows the stock level of your main product.

Upgrade Instructions

  1. Delete the ebay_sales directory from your stores modules/plugins/ directory and replace it with the 2.0.13 files found in the downloadable zip file.

Download 2.0.13

Download 2.0.13_plugin_ebay_sales.zip




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