Ebay Sales 2.0.5 Release Notes
Ebay Sales 2.0.5 Release Notes
Ebay sales 2.0.5 contains fixes. It is recommended that you upgrade to 2.0.5 as soon as possible.
Fixesin 2.0.5
- CubeCart 6 has some differences in the way it handles HTML content being saved via forms which resulsted in HTML templates being stripped of the HTML when being saved. The module has been updated to handle this condition in CubeCart 6 as well as CubeCarat 5. It is once again possible to add new and update existing HTML templates.
Upgrade Instructions
- Delete the ebay_sales directory from your stores modules/plugins/ directory and replace it with the 2.0.5 files found in the downloadable zip file.
Download 2.0.5
Download 2.0.5_plugin_ebay_sales.zip