Ebay Sales 2.0.8 Release Notes
Ebay Sales 2.0.8 Release Notes
Ebay sales 2.0.8 contains fixes and enhancements. It is recommended that you upgrade to 2.0.8 as soon as possible.
Enhancements in 2.0.8
- The process to revise active listings has been enhanced. It now also revises the product prices for both single item listings and variation listings.
Issues resolved in 2.0.8
- The stock update process was not respecting the listing quantity rules. This has been patched and now the revised stock levels will be in line with your configured stock level rules.
- Under some scenarios some items would not get revised, stock would not become updated. This has been patched.
Upgrade Instructions
- Delete the ebay_sales directory from your stores modules/plugins/ directory and replace it with the 2.0.8 files found in the downloadable zip file.
Download 2.0.8
Download 2.0.8_plugin_ebay_sales.zip