Ebay Sales 4.0.1 Release Notes

Ebay Sales 4.0.1 Release Notes

Ebay sales 4.0.1 contains fixes. It is recommended that you upgrade as soon as possible.


Issues resolved

  • The Ebay Sales CRON job may not detect the CubeCart install path correctly on some servers which meant the path had to be manually added to the job itself. This is now resolved and detects correctly
  • If a product has no weight defined in CubeCart, Ebay Sales would log an error in the PHP error logs when adding or revising inventory. This is now resolved and weights are set to 0 where they are undefined
  • As the CRON job is command line based, there is no way for CubeCart to detect if the store is using HTTP or HTTPS (SSL). This caused all image links to revert to HTTP instead of HTTPS when revising inventory. This is resolved. You may wish to revise all of your active items after updating to 4.0.1 to correct any existing listings.


Upgrade Instructions

  1. Delete the ebay_sales directory from your stores modules/plugins/ directory and replace it with the files found in the downloadable zip file.





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