Tax Exempt Customers 1.0.5 Release Notes
Tax Exempt Customers 1.0.5 Release Notes
Tax Exempt Customers 1.0.5 contains exciting new features and enhancements. It is recommended that you upgrade to 1.0.5 as soon as possible.
New Features added in 1.0.5
- If a customer is a member of the "Tax Exempt Customers" customer group when an order is placed, a note is added to the order to highlight that a customer declaration form may be required. The plugin adds a new (disabled) admin account to the store for the purpose of adding notes to orders.
- A new tab is added to the order overview page which allows the admin to print a duplicate copy of the tax exempt declaration form if it is enabled.
- A new variable has been made available for use on the product page of store skins. The variable is {$PRICE_WITH_20_PERCENT_TAX}. It can be used to highlight to your customers the price of the product if tax was applied to the product price.
Upgrade Instructions
- Delete the Tax_exempt_Customers directory from your stores modules/plugins/ directory and replace it with the 1.0.5 files found in the downloadable zip file.
- Follow steps 7 and 8 in the install guide. These are newly added steps in this release which will add the new tabs in the admin area.
- Naviate to "Manage Hooks" in your store admin area, then click on "Tax Exempt Customers", then save. This step enables new hooks added in this release.
Download 1.0.5